Wireless Emergency Push Button
WE-PB is designed for all those who need to block the power supply or the passage of a signal by launching a remote command, pressing an emergency button.
The project consists of 2 stations, RECEIVER (connected to the system to command) and TRANSMITTER (consisting of the portable emergency button)
Through the use of 2 Arduino Nano boards it will be very simple for anyone to modify the command and reset system to their liking and needs.
The most important feature is the wireless functionality, thus allowing you to act on the device by moving within a larger area. In any position, without having to act hastily through a drastic cut, it will be possible to block a power supply or a signal in no time.
Easy to build
The devices are very simple to print and install with all the useful components, in a few hours you can use your project at will.
Measurements expressed in millimeters
From here you can consult and DOWNLOAD the documentation you are interested in, such as STL files for printing, MANUALS and examples of WIRING and SOFTWARE.
Click on the icon! You can download the documentation useful for carrying out the electrical project, through images and diagrams complete with descriptions, details and much more! It is advisable to pay close attention to what is described if you want to replicate the project as indicated in the diagrams, but it is not obligatory to follow the example, and you can modify and change the designs as you prefer, according to your needs and interests.
Manual & STL
Click on the icon and download the manual and the STL files! The manual is very detailed and complete with images and descriptions that will help you step by step to build your project. You will also find the list of components to be printed, components that you can download in STL format, ready to be printed. Also pay attention to the information regarding the printing properties, so that you can print the parts in the most correct way.
Click on the icon and download the source files of the software useful to carry out the first movements! The software is developed in C ++, for Arduino, modifiable with the appropriate Arduino IDE. The software you can download is fully commented, and can be adapted to your needs. The software management of the receiver and trasmitter are completely free, it is not obligatory to use an Arduino board, but any control system is allowed!
Through a small donation you can help me in carrying out future projects much more quickly, by purchasing the materials and equipment useful to carry them out.
In addition to the projects you will be able to support the maintenance costs of the site and all this follows, thanks!
Click on the image, you will be able to download the assembly useful to be able to make a first impression of the dimensions, characteristics and shape.
But above all you will have the possibility, by opening the file in the design environment you use, to assign the colors to the various components, even before printing, so you can understand which outfit will best suit your project.
If you don't have a 3D design or modeling software don't worry, you will find many 3D model viewers online, which will give you the possibility to assign colors to the parts that make up the project as well.